AIDA IIoT (Shop Floor Real-time Data Collection)

AIDA IIoT (Shop Floor Real-time Data Collection)

Within the complex network of a modern manufacturing facility, an infinite number of data points are generated every moment. AIDA IIoT, the real-time data collection module, harnesses the power and concept of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). AIDA IIoT is designed to capture all valuable and relevant fragments of operations.

It’s not merely about accumulating data; it’s about creating a live structure the entire production floor, capturing every process, machine status, and even human interactions in real-time. This comprehensive perspective on operations allows production managers to detect and pinpoint inefficiencies, anticipate potential downtimes, and optimize processes as they occur in real-time.

Key Features

Instantaneous Data Capture

AIDA IIoT is an automatic system consisting of a series of communication software modules capable of creating, receiving, processing, and forwarding data, as well as electronic and industrial equipment capable of converting physical events into [measured] information that is centrally stored or displayed on control panels.

This way, machine performance, environmental conditions, and process efficiency are monitored, providing a comprehensive overview of operations. This feature is crucial for proactive decision-making and process optimization.

Integration with Other Systems

AIDA IIoT collects data from any point in the production covered by the project, including machines, PLC computers, measuring equipment, digitalization equipment, quality control devices, etc.

This integration improves the automatic operation of all systems involved in data exchange, enabling the analysis of interactions between machines and systems, and strategic decision-making. Integration is crucial for creating and maintaining a unified functional production system within the framework of Industry 4.0 standards.

Real-time Alarms and Indications

AIDA IIoT creates immediate alerts and/or indications for regular operation statuses or anomalies and errors, thereby ensuring process visibility and the ability for quick intervention if needed. It helps in maintaining continuous production. AIDA IIoT is a system crucial for minimizing downtime and improving overall production efficiency.

In the grand scheme of manufacturing, the Shop Floor Real-time Data Collection module functions like an ever-watchful sentinel. It not only observes but also ensures that every cog in the machinery, every individual in the process, and every unit of production is functioning at its optimal best.

Kontakt podaci

CODEL sjedište

Ulica Franje Tuđmana 20, Križevci

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CODEL headquarters

Ulica Franje Tuđmana 20, Križevci

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