AMRs: Powering 24/7 Operations for Unmatched Throughput

AMRs: Powering 24/7 Operations for Unmatched Throughput

The logistics landscape is more demanding than ever, with consumers expecting quicker deliveries and businesses requiring faster turnarounds. To meet these demands, operations can’t afford downtimes. Enter Automated Mobile Robots (AMRs) – the champions of continuous, 24/7 operations. Let’s explore how AMRs are revolutionizing throughput, especially during those crucial peak demand periods.

  1. Unwavering Stamina for Consistent Productivity

Unlike human workers, AMRs don’t require breaks, shifts, or sleep. They are designed to operate tirelessly, ensuring that your warehouse or distribution center remains productive every second. This consistent performance translates directly to increased throughput and a capability to handle larger volumes of goods.

  1. Automated Charging Systems for Continuous Operation

Modern AMRs come equipped with automated charging systems. These robots can self-detect when their power is running low, autonomously navigate to a charging station, and then resume operations once charged. This ensures minimal interruptions and a virtually non-stop workflow.

  1. Peak Demand Readiness

During peak periods, such as holiday seasons or sales events, the demand can surge exponentially. AMRs can be deployed in larger numbers to meet this increased demand, ensuring orders are processed, picked, and dispatched without delay. Their 24/7 operational capability proves invaluable during these high-pressure times.

  1. Predictable and Reliable Performance

Human-driven operations, while invaluable, can sometimes be unpredictable due to various factors like health, mood, or external distractions. AMRs, being machines, offer a level of predictability and reliability in performance. You know exactly what to expect, ensuring consistent output regardless of the time of day or external conditions.

5. Cost Efficiency in the Long Run

While the initial investment in AMRs can be considerable, the continuous operation means faster returns on investment. By increasing throughput and reducing potential overtime costs or the need for additional human shifts during peak periods, AMRs present a cost-efficient solution for businesses aiming for sustained growth.


In the era of instant gratification and rapid delivery expectations, the ability to operate 24/7 isn’t just an advantage; it’s a necessity. AMRs embody this principle, ensuring businesses stay ahead of the curve, especially during the most demanding times. By integrating AMRs into operations, businesses can ensure they are primed for both the present and future challenges of the logistics industry.

Partner with Experience; Partner with Codel

Navigating the complexities of 24/7 operations demands more than just the right tools—it requires expertise and a deep understanding of the logistics domain. At Codel, we bring over three decades of experience, ensuring that our clients not only get the benefits of advanced AMR solutions but also the guidance and consultancy to leverage them effectively. Our ARM HIK robot solution is a testament to our forward-thinking approach. Ready to optimize your operations for the demands of today and tomorrow? Join hands with Codel and elevate your warehousing capabilities to unmatched heights.