ID Logistics – Hikrobot AMRs Reduced Labor Intensity by 75%

ID Logistics – Hikrobot AMRs Reduced Labor Intensity by 75%


ID LOGISTICS is an international supply chain solutions provider with over 320 distribution centres and 62M sq.ft. under management in 17 countries. MAHOU SAN MIGUEL is one of the leaders in the beer sector in Spain with a long history of more than 125 years, offering breweries to over 70 countries.


In order to achieve fast delivery, ID LOGISTICS takes care of the logistics sections of MAHOU SAN MIGUEL. And they wanted to seek a more intelligent intralogistics way to reduce labour intensity, and increase picking efficiency and throughput in the warehouse during the cooperation.


About the Partner:

Aimed at transforming logistics processes into an agile, efficient and customer service-oriented supply chain, 3Co Solutions proposed the intelligent AMR solution from Hikrobot to ID LOGISTICS and MAHOU SAN MIGUEL.



6 AMRs seamlessly docked with the sophisticated warehouse management software developed by 3Co Solutions, together with picking stations and vacuum lifts, successfully transforming the warehouse and operations.


With smart software to match the best combination of orders, the AMR solution covered the material handling tasks from warehousing, automatic wrapping machines and loading area, decreasing operator walking miles to 0 and improving productivity.


Customer Benefits:

– Exponential increase in productivity

– Reduced manual work intensity by 75%

– Real-time productivity information

– Double quality controls using IA data

– Decreased walking steps to 0: The workforce doesn’t move from the picking station

– Reduce the learning curve for operators from days to hours

– High productivity & ergonomic benefits: 45-55% of prepared cases are untouched since they’re preconfigured by the system